GÜNTHER blueMaster pro – Precise control improves quality

Precise, convenient process control is indispensable to ensure product quality during injection moulding processes. With its newly developed hot runner temperature controller blueMaster pro, GÜNTHER Hot Runner Technology delivers optimum control characteristics and extensive connectivity for 6 to 24 control circuits.
During an injection moulding process, the hot runner must be heated precisely to the right temperature while being heated up and when it is keeping target temperature, so the quality of the injection moulded part is directly related to temperature control accuracy. Therefore, is it essential to have precise, high-performance control technology with optimum control characteristics. The technology leader in hot and cold runner technology is presenting a new product range for reliable hot runner system control at the K trade fair in Düsseldorf between October 19 and 26, 2022. Its new user interface provides intuitive operation both directly on the unit and in a browser.
The blueMaster pro control unit is offered in four versions for 6 to 24 control circuits. At first glance, they may seem like conventional desktop controllers with a built-in display, their special feature is that they can also be operated via a browser. This allows users to access several devices on a tablet or quickly check the operating status of his devices from the control room and take action where necessary. An assistance function provides support when setting up new tools. Multi-cavity moulds and multi-component systems can be conveniently operated using the integrated group management feature. One key to integrated temperature control is of data interfaces standardization. The new blueMaster pro hot runner contoller fully supports Euromap 82.2. This standard defines the interface for data exchange between injection moulding machines and hot runner regulators. It is based on the OPC Unified Architecture interface (OPC UA), a communication standard for secure, reliable data exchange in industrial automation.
The blueMaster pro features a natty, robust metal casing, with all load fuses easily accessible from the outside. The load and thermal connections can be designed according to customer preferences. A seven-inch display is integrated for the graphical user interface. Users can also access the unit remotely at any time. To operate the unit, the user can select from five different views the one that makes the most sense for his application. In addition to a graphical display of the temperatures, a clear table view and, for more complex systems, the group view are available.
In addition to the aforementioned setup assistant, the system also incorporates a hot runner diagnostic function to detect and correct any faults instantly. The blueMaster contains all functions users require for reliable control of complex hot runner systems. The intuitive operation both on the display, the tablet or from the control room makes it possible to quickly find one's way around without any training time.The help function is context-dependent, meaning that users receive the information they need directly and in plain text.
“With the new premium blueMaster pro controllers, we are opening up new possibilities for users as we move towards Industry 4.0, going far beyond a conventional smart control service. For example, all measurement data can be quickly uploaded securely to a cloud and used for documentation or a more detailed evaluation,” summarizes Christoph Münch, Control Technology Project Manager at GÜNTHER Hot Runner Technology. “While other controllers are becoming increasingly more complex and difficult to operate, we are going in the other direction and offering simpler, future-proof solutions that assist users and make their work easier.”
About GÜNTHER Hot Runner Technology
As a technological leader in the field of hot and cold runner technology with more than 240 employees, GÜNTHER produces innovative, user-friendly injection systems for the plastics and silicone processing industry. Its international customers include leading companies in the automotive, health technology, packaging, consumer goods, and electronic and electrical engineering industries.